No time to waste; let's go.
In the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup, we continue to work the Sumbrada (aka the "6 count drill" or "3-8-12" as my Modern Arnis friends know it). The goal is to get our group really, really good at it, so we can start using it as a template for other material.
I also taught our friend and fellow KC area FMA teacher Harley Weibling the staff version of this drill my teacher Mark Lynn and I developed a few years ago. We're going to add more staff material into the Meetup going forward, because it's fun.
This is a video of my teacher and I doing this, filmed a few years ago. In the Meetup, we're going to use 5 foot staff vs. 6 foot you see here.
After the Presas Arnis Meetup, Mr. Chick teaches the PAC Meetup (Pacific Archipelago Concepts). This is a simplified, very essentials-focused training session and our students who attend this are having a blast!
At Elite Dragon Martial Arts, we're reviewing all sorts of material this month as we gear up to do promotions in October. This week we focused on what we call Defensive Responses, and my Kombatan friends would recognize as Systems 1 and 2 (our 3 is different than Kombatan's 3). As I said last week, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc with our curriculum, so I've rethought things, deciding that what I'm looking for are habits and understanding of certain concepts, not how they play specific drills.
Speaking of Kombatan...
Come join us at this (details HERE):

Here in Kansas City, we have this coming up in October (Learn more HERE):

And this in November. Learn more HERE.

Busy, busy.
Wednesday: Conversion Therapy
Thursday: The Underdog Mindset
As an aside, that post on Thursday - The Underdog Mindset - is one of my better posts I've written in a while, I think. If you haven't read it, please do.
Hey, if you see cool martial arts stuff - a great blog post or article, a neato video, a funny meme - send it my way, will ya?
Come and joins us on your favorite social media channel. I'm on MeWe, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram. It's gifting season, so why not deck out your favorite martial arts buddy with Stick Chick Blog gear? SHOP HERE
So I have an appt next week with my doc to hear about the MRI on my hip. I suspect the news isn't great. So if you'd send good luck and healing vibes my way, that'd be much appreciated.
Y'all stay safe, have fun, and keep training.