Summer is winding down. Seems like it was just... March?
Let's roll.
At the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup, we worked on Sumbrada - aka "the 6 count drill", aka "3-8-12". These days we have a wide variety of people who have varying levels of experience - people who've trained with us and also other martial arts for a while as well as people who've never trained and are new to our class.
Everyone caught on, and I am pleased as punch. I'm slowly working this group into tapi-tapi concepts and this sumbrada play is very helpful as we move toward that goal.
We have a new class on Sundays for Pacific Archipelago Concepts (PAC) that Mr. Chick is teaching. You can find that on the link above for the Meetup (and come by if you're in the area!).
At Elite Dragon Presas Arnis, we had a special topics night focusing in on knife concepts. After Labor day, we will be in review mode as I plan to do some promotions by the end of September or early October.
Nice productive week.
We're hosting Mr. Chick's teacher GM Art Miraflor of MiraRada Escrima here in KC in November. Event details on FB here.
Wednesday: THAT GUY: Bad Hygiene Guy
Thursday: A Question of Trust
If YOU see something cool about the martial arts - a video, a blog post, a funny meme - feel free to share it with me via your favorite social media channel, ok?
Speaking of social media, find TSC on MeWe, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram. All the cool kids are wearing Stick Chick Blog gear. SHOP HERE
Sometimes I regret not studying a board breaking art.


In the United States, it's a holiday weekend this weekend. Kiddos are going back to school (where we can). Younger Daughter is going back next week. We're not stressed over COVID but the protocols for it is definitely making Back to School even more stressful than normal.
I hope all is well with you and yours.
Stay safe, have fun, and keep training!