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My Week in Stick Chicktivity - 08/30/19

Writer: Jackie BradburyJackie Bradbury

It's Labor Day, the traditional "end of summer" here in the US. Goodness.


I am under doctor's orders to take it easy. So I have.

I helped out at Elite Dragon Martial Arts first Black Belt test on Sunday, which went swimmingly and well done by the candidates who were promoted. It was really my first formal "thing" with the school and they have made me feel very much a part of the family.

Other than that, yeah, I've been "good" and kept training to a bare minimum. Hasn't helped the shoulder at all, though, which is thoroughly frustrating.


Come find me on your favorite social media platform! I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, MeWe, and Pinterest.

Over on Facebook we passed 700 likes this week. Given we passed 600 early in the month, that's AMAZING. Thanks for liking and sharing us on Facebook!


This week was the anniversary of the passing of the founder of Modern Arnis, Remy Presas. I am a "second generation" student - I train with HIS students - but I know that those who loved him still feel the pain of his loss very much.

Okay, so, apparently, people really liked this one:

And I train to do it WITH KNIVES.


Stupid shoulder isn't getting better, and I'm annoyed. Still have to wait for a few more weeks before next steps. I'll be working with Elite Dragon on the Arnis part of some demos we're putting together, and then I'll be at the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup on Sunday.

Presas Arnis classes at Elite Dragon start on Monday, Sept 9, so come join us!

Happy Labor Day in the United States - have a fun Monday off. Younger Daughter's birthday is this weekend so we'll be having a party at the house, too. Busy, busy.

Keep training and have fun, everyone.


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