HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! 🎂 Shout out to Century Martial Arts for being SUPER AWESOME.
Last Friday afternoon I worked with Elite Dragon Martial Arts on putting together some Arnis demo material for some events coming up.
As a result, I spent a lot of time training/teaching a variety of stuff - disarms and sinawali, mostly. Very fun.
It's summertime and like a lot of martial arts programs attendance is light. Here's it's last-minute vacations before school starts next week. Nobody showed up to the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup on Sunday, but that's okay, because I wasn't there either - I was at Kansas City Chiefs training camp. You might have heard they have a semi-decent Quarterback, so I went to see him in person.
He's all right, I guess.
I expect things to start picking up this month martial arts-wise.
Stupid computer problems - thanks Windows 10 for forcing me to update! - mean one less post than usual this week. Let's hope I'm done with computer shenanigans.
WEDNESDAY: Martial Arts Growth is NOT Linear
THURSDAY: My Martial Arts Refuge
You can't escape the Stick Chick Blog on Social Media, even if Facebook is... annoying me... lately. I'm looking at a couple of new channels and I might drop others, but for now, here's where you can find me: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, MeWe, and Pinterest.
Speaking of social media, the Stick Chick Blog Facebook page passed 600 likes this week. Y'all ROCK. This is how I'm ending my week:
Thanks to Facebook being weird, this EVENTUALLY posted, but too late to make the joke I really wanted to make. But hey, it did get Century's attention, and let's just say I'm having a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Thanks guys!!


A little long but worth your time to watch. GOOD STUFF.
Seriously, my Facebook page was HOPPING this week. Go take a look if you're on there.
Heck of a weekend planned for me. Birthday stuff today, Chiefs game tomorrow, the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup Sunday morning, Kombatan seminar with GM Shelley Millspaugh Sunday afternoon. Come join us at either or both events on Sunday if you're in the area!
Train hard, stay happy and safe, and see y'all on the mats.