Not much outside of what I've done at home on my own time, as we traveled to Virginia last weekend to attend the wedding of my sister-in-law. It was a nice visit but not very productive in terms of martial arts.
Ugh. I'll catch up on it this weekend though, because I'm going to go to Texas next week. More on that later.
Monday: Corrosion of Conformity
Thursday: Adventures in Martial Arts Provincialism
Like, Follow and what-have-you the Stick Chick Blog on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and MeWe, and on Pinterest, too. The Facebook page is where the action's at, so join us there!
Note: ANY links to the old blog published before 10/10/18 that you run across online are gonna be links to error pages and WE DON'T WANT THAT.
Programming note for next week: On Thursday, Friday, and the following Monday (5/16-5/20) there will be no fresh TSC posts.
The only problem I have with the FMA's being used so often in movie-fu is that people don't know it's FMA's! In any case, here's a nice story about how Arya's badassery in "Game of Thrones" was helped along by us stick-swingers. Read: How Filipino Martial Arts Helped Arya Stark in the Battle of Winterfell
Especially since I started writing this blog, I've gotten to make friends with LOTS of 'em. And a few enemies too, I guess... 😁

Speaking of Arya Stark...

I have a long intensive weekend of training ahead of me - including hosting the Kansas City Presas Arnis Meetup on Sunday. Doing some last minute tweaking before I head off to Texas later this week to attend the World Modern Arnis Alliance Texas Camp (that's why the blog will be on hiatus for a few days).
I might be testing for rank or something while I'm there.
You guys train hard, stay safe, and for Pete's sake, have FUN!